Healing the Inner Child Retreat – Level 3

Healing the Inner Child Work is invigorating and transforming.

  • The Inner Child is that part of us which is totally alive. It is where our emotions and feelings live. We all face situations that develop into unresolved emotional traumas which lead to chronic anxiety, fear, confusion, emptiness and unhappiness.
  • To avoid painful experiences, the natural defense mechanism used by the Inner Child is to withdraw from self. This is how we lose our connection with the Inner-Child.
  • It is possible to bring our present wise and loving self to offer comfort and support to the Inner Child and find new joy and energy in living. By reclaiming and re-parenting that wounded child, we uncover any conscious or unconscious myths that we carry about ourselves and begin to re-evaluate, heal and transform ourselves.

In this training program you will:

  • Begin to identify and heal the negative issues that caused the separation from your Inner Child.
  • Reconnect to and re-integrate with the Inner Child and learn how to maintain and develop the connection.
  • Learn to play and have fun with your Inner Child.
  • Regain that blissful state of Unconditional Love and Inner Joy that is our Ultimate Goal.

Who should join the retreat?

  • Those who feel abandoned, wounded and scarred due to their childhood patterns.
  • Those who have been victims of incest, abuse (verbal /physical) and feel unloved.
  • Those who wish to re-parent themselves as they feel they are carrying detrimental parental beliefs and have strong negative internal dialogues.
  • Those who feel they are losers in love and life and ‘nothing good happens to me’ is their belief.
  • Those who wish to learn to become facilitators of Healing the Inner Child.