Life is an adventure but we take life too seriously as we don’t understand who we are and why we exist in this material plane. The workshop on Mystic Journey through the past life lens makes the attempt to take you through the adventure and open doors to the infinite self. Past life therapy is an effective tool to uncover the mystery called us.
Mystic Journey Workshop ( Level 1- Online for 8 days) During the COVID times this online session had begun and it has been successful and the workshop reached to everyone all over the world.
The intention of the workshop is to guide you to find out your soul's purpose in this life and get direct answers to any other questions that you would like to ask about your present or past lifetimes.
Healing the Inner Child Work is invigorating and transforming.
• The Inner Child is that part of us which is totally alive. It is where our emotions and feelings live. We all face situations that develop into unresolved emotional traumas which lead to chronic anxiety, fear, confusion, emptiness and unhappiness.
• To avoid painful experiences, the natural defense mechanism used by the Inner Child is to withdraw from self. This is how we lose our connection with the Inner-Child.
• It is possible to bring our present wise and loving self to offer comfort and support to the Inner Child and find new joy and energy in living. By reclaiming and re-parenting that wounded child, we uncover any conscious or unconscious myths that we carry about ourselves and begin to re-evaluate, heal and transform ourselves.
The Master Practitioner Course is open for those who have completed their Therapists Training Program and wish to now spread their wings to learn psychotherapeutic techniques and equip themselves further to deal with challenging conditions.
Past Life Therapy is a bridge that helps our client to walk across his trauma and move into a space where the divine can guide him. We are only torch bearers for him, and with deep love, wise words and compassion in our hearts, we hand- hold him to joy and happiness. Past Lives are remnants of our existence which make us connect with our greater design, through weaving a tapestry of our many births and deaths. It helps to remove hate, eradicate judgment and extinguish suffering.
1) Do you have repetitive patterns of losing, giving up easily, procrastinating?
2) Do you feel stuck, struggling, direction less in areas of work, financial management and in relationships?
3) Do you feel your voice is not heard or you cannot take a stand?
4) Do you feel like a victim and yet attract persecutors in your life?
5) Do your relationships lack depth and intimacy?
6) Do you feel people isolate you, shun you or put you down or do you do the same for others?
7) Do you have a loser tag?
8) Do you struggle with your children and can’t find a way out?
The Intuitive tarot is a method of learning the classical Ryder Waite Cards in a manner that you can remember all the cards and its meanings in an intuitive way. When you learn you tend to forget but when you become aware of the meanings of what you learn you can never forget.
This is a workshop for those who believe that they have been bestowed with the power of creating a life that they desire. All that we need to turn our life’s events from a mystery to a miracle is given to us by the Universal Consciousness also known as ‘Chaitanya’
Sewa Sangha meets annually and invites enlightened and wise masters to share their knowledge and interact at this congregation.
This amazing retreat called- “ Prati - Prasav ( प्रति - प्रसव ) which means Reverse Birthing where the problem is taken back to its cause to alter the consequences